Attack of the Spider, Part 2

Today I was minding my own business, going into the kitchen to get Harmon a snack, when out of my PANT LEG climbs… A HUGE BLACK SPIDER. People, for real, that deserves all caps. A huge scary black furry sick spider came out of the pants I WAS WEARING. I screamed like a little girl, and shouted in the highest pitched voice possible “are you even kidding me?!?!?!?!?!” and then smashed it to death with a paper towel.

In your squished face, spider.

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7 Responses to Attack of the Spider, Part 2

  1. Elizabeth says:

    I've had that happen… so horrifying!!!!!

  2. Natalie says:

    I pray your spider encounters are coming to an end soon. That is the worst yet!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    I also don't like it when you find them crawling in the bedding you just slept in. It doesn't even bear thinking of.

  4. Penny says:

    Okay, that is my worst nightmare. I am spider intolerant. I'm sorry it had to go to Heaven early, but it just can't go lurking around like that. Not live and tell the story, that's for sure. I heard your screams Kelsey. It had to die.

  5. sherryandbryon says:

    Wow… spiders really like you! And in your pant leg… that's horribly scary. I would have screamed like a girl, too and probably called some pest control service right after.

  6. k.e.l.l.i.e. says:

    eww…yukcity yucky!!!

    Oh man, there were big spiders in my dream last night, wonder what that means!!

  7. Jodyman says:

    BTW, what was the BIG HAIRY BLACK SPIDER doing in your pants in the first place???!!! LOL! I think I would fumigate my closet or something! 😉

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