Monthly Archives: July 2008

A few things (mostly pregnancy related. shocker.)

1. I have been seeing a lot of cute babies lately. And I even mean cute newborns. This is stressful because what if my baby is ugly when it comes out, or stays ugly? I realize that I will love … Continue reading

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You need a chop

So yesterday I went back to the LDS underwear store to exchange some unopened underwears for some smaller ones, because the ones I had bought before and opened were too big. I without hesitation or confusion told the lady what … Continue reading

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How to be comfortable while pregnant

Sometimes when I’m in bed at night I laugh at the setup that I have to do to approach being comfortable. I thought to make you laugh you should see a real great drawing of said setup. Or so I … Continue reading

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Windsurfing and 27 Weeks

First here is Aaron and his new toy: Here is Aaron falling off his new toy: Now I’m in my 3rd trimester, and I am all out of clothes that fit, especially for church, so I ended up doing the … Continue reading

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More things I made

A bunch of things I made for someone named Petey who just had her baby (I am slow in sending, oops) Baby legs, burp cloths, peepee teepees and a bag to hold them (for little boys when you change their … Continue reading

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Freak Belly Button

Somehow I was under the assumption that if/when my belly button popped out, it would just go all at one time. About a month or so ago, it was determined that more likely than not mine was surely going to … Continue reading

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Tratee Tag

I forgot that sister Tracy tagged me. But then I remembered. And I tag Tenille, Sarah, and Jonah. A = ADVOCATE FOR: orphansB = BEST FEATURE: giant bellyC= COULDN’T DO WITHOUT: chipsD = DREAMS AND DESIRES: a healthy baby, someone … Continue reading

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100 days and sorta counting

I have a little ticker thing on my igoogle page that shows up every time I open my browser, and yesterday it informed me I had 101 days until my baby pops out (in a hypothetical world where babbies pop … Continue reading

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I have been eating pretty healthy. And when I say that I mean I love oreos. I would like to give credit where credit is due, but I cannot remember whose family introduced me to eating oreos and milk with … Continue reading

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