Why you should own a microwave grill thing

Because they make totally delicious turkeys in 50 minutes. Aaron was quite skeptical, but when that bird came out of the microwave, he was a believer. It was juicy inside and crisp skin. The pumpkin pie turned out good, although not quite pumpkiny. The Roseros helped us eat all of this yummy stuff. Anyway, here are a few shots of our thankgsiving preparations.

There are some more on our photo site if you wanted to look at them.

In other news I am starting to do a toddler class at the baby orphanage three times a week starting on Monday. And I will probably start it at OSSO soon too. So, I’m staying pretty busy. Aaron has been working hard on his website and business stuff. We are managing to stay healthy, but have gained a few pounds from turkey day. That’s about all I can think of right now.

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One Response to Why you should own a microwave grill thing

  1. penpen says:

    Why you should wear rubber gloves when handling raw chicken. One word: Poop!

    (Hi Kelsey)

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