"Mommy Blogging… I don’t love it."

On Sunday night we had the great fortune to eat an amazingly delicious dinner with our dear friends Nate & Chica. While eating Nate sensitively informed me that my blog had indeed turned into a “Mommy Blog”, which I had vowed to avoid. Chica then jumped in and told me I was “not that bad” and managed to name several mutual friends who had “mommy blogs” that were “not that bad”. Chica also assured me she still read my blog, but Nate wasn’t shy to admit that he has kicked me right out of his RSS.

As I sat later that evening and pondered this dilemma, I realized that most of the “problem” stemmed from spending all my time with Harmon. Now this is not really a problem, other than most of what I think about are baby things and my available time to blog has been significantly reduced. So, here’s a resolution to bring more balance to this blog, as I would be sad to find I had lost any more Nate’s out there. So you can now expect a “mommy/rude letters to strangers/really great stories having nothing to do with babies (probably)” blog. Oh Nate, you’ll understand someday when you have kids.

As such, here is a letter for you:


I understand that probably someday you will be adding a new lane to 405 between our exit (#9) and the Coal Creek exit, but I was just wondering if you could possibly make it any unsafer in the meantime? It was one thing when you took away the nice on-ramp to speed up on, making it virtually impossible to merge without getting mauled by a Mack truck. But then you decided you needed a yield sign, making those cars already in the lane on the freeway thinking that it’s ok to run you off the road. But now you have added a barrier(!) so now I cannot even see my impending doom. It’s scary enough driving in the Seattle area, can’t we cut out the blind merging? Seriously.

Waiting impatiently for the new lane,

PS I realize the snowstorm slowed you down, but it’s not snowing anymore, why aren’t you working?

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12 Responses to "Mommy Blogging… I don’t love it."

  1. Sarah says:

    Mommy blogs rule!

  2. Leslie says:

    lol… you’re hilarious. I do love your non-mommy posts, but there are many of us who stop in to see if you have any more baby news and baby photos. :0) … so, don’t let Nate talk you out of mommy-blogging frequently. We love it!

  3. Momma Drama says:

    Someday he will understand. Once you have a baby, conversation just all goes downhill. It can be really hard to find something that happened in your day that doesn’t have anything to do with the baby.
    You letters are always so funny. He should keep you on his RSS just for those. Lame. Keep them coming!

  4. Penny says:

    What is better than baby poo-poo, spit-up, crying, burping, drooling, crying, barfing, farting, crying, and crying?

    (I do agree your “other” posts are hilarious. We want the old Kelsey to pop by from time to time.)

  5. Erin says:

    Did I really use “not that bad” so often? What you may not have realized is that “not that bad” = “terrific”. :)

  6. nate says:

    I don’t love it…

  7. amy says:

    Dear Nate,

    I am confused about how you could not love it. Harmon may be the cutest child born in 2008. And Kelsey always posts pictures of him making really funny faces. His funny faces are REALLY funny.

    I’m sure you are a great guy who has high standards on entertainment, which is admirable, but I’m just confused about how Harmon’s funny faces don’t meet your standards.

    I don’t have a kid, and I really like Harmon, so perhaps I am biased. Or perhaps you should look at those funny-face pictures again.

    All the best,


  8. Sarah says:

    Seriously Nate, where else can you find a dad and baby boy wearing pink? That’s high entertainment. There was also a recent polar bear swim and an exciting collision story!

  9. nate says:


    I’m well aware of the cuteness of Harmon, as he was jumping and my residence just the other night. My comments are not against Harmon by any means, as he was sitting right there while I said them.

    I was merely stating the fact that Kelsey told me that she wasn’t going to become a mommy blogger.. but alas she has.

    Now having taking your points (and comments) into consideration, I have reconsidered my stance and have added this blog back into my google reader…. well… because let’s be honest, he’s a dang cute kid.


  10. nate says:

    Oh and for the record, I was the one who picked out the “My mom is a Fox” onesie.


  11. Sarah says:

    Just give up and be a mommy blogger. Oh my goodness your mint brownie comment was SO FUNNY! I loved it. Thanks for your generosity in leaving it. (this is blog manners…i guess). May I please be excused? (i’m ending the comment now)

  12. Sarah says:

    Nate, you’re a good guy. That shirt is hilarious.

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