I´m just frusterated

Last time I was at the Wolff house Alex who is three in response to the insinuation that he had knocked over the train set replied “I´m not a bad boy, just frusterated” I know the feeling. We went to see our house yesterday to see if it would really be ready this weekend and…. They told us another week. Something about the workers not showing up and taking a ton of time etc etc. We went with the landlord to ask the workers who were working on the house adjacent when they thought it would be ready. They said a week (again) and I told them if they got it done really quick I would bring them ice cream and cokes and whatever they wanted. They smiled but I doubt that will really get the job done.

Then comes the next problem. The hotel where we are staying is throwing us out on Wednesday because it is the fiestas of Cuenca and ALL the hotels are booked. And since we likely won´t have a house ready to move into, we suddenly realized we are about to be homeless. After tracking around to a million hotels and calling a million more we found a few spots, but have decided probably we will just get on a bus to somewhere a little out of town and stay at a cheaper not full hotel instead. A little adventure is good when you are homeless and without much of a choice.

Life is still good, we remain without any life threatening illness or even anything keeping us in the house all day. We are enjoying spending time with the Roseros, Sammy and Ismael tell everyone their sister is here, and at church on Sunday when a little girl in the ward was playing with Aaron Ishy said “If Kelsey and Aaron had a girl like that we would be uncle and aunt!”

Ok, more later. Chao.

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