Feliz Thanksgiving

I can officially post on our blog now. It’s turkey day morning. The big futball game was yesterday afternoon though. Ecuador beat Peru 5-1. Walking around town, and in stores, people were hypnotized by the radio. I think the season started only a week or two ago. I wish I’d brought my national team shirt. It’s mui chevere! Kelsey got it for me for Christmas last year and I wore it to Teleferiqo and it was much admired. Only I’m probably still too fat to wear it.

We got a turkey breast that’s as big as a whole chicken at the Supermaxi, and we finally found a pumpkin in the fruit market. Well, it’s more like a squash but it looks like a green pumpkin with spots. It had been sitting there a while (since Monday at least) with a quarter sliced out it. We bought about half of what’s left, trimmed it, and cut, microwaved and mashed it. It doesn’t quite taste pumpkiny, but it’s the best squash we’ve ever easten. Kelsey made three (hopefully) respectible pumpkin-y pies, and gave two to OSSO, one with a finger hole in it. No word on if she pulled out a plum.

Now she’s making chocolate pudding for our other pie (made with coco crackers instead of grahams), and Roseros will come over tonight. I hope I can stave my appetite long enough. I’ve got yeast bubbling over for microwave rolls (which turn out pretty good, since our microwave has a combo grill — a little filament on the roof.) We’ll see how the Turkey comes out in there. She’s already made good lemon garlic chicken breasts. And we’ve got a can of cranberry sauce, just because we can. Stuffing will have to be stove top (homemade though — the breads been drying overnight, and I dreamed of cockroaches getting to it. We don’t have cockroaches though, and have only seen 1 yellow beetle in the house, which may be what they call cockroaches here.) Gravy will be the only challenge.

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One Response to Feliz Thanksgiving

  1. W.E. says:

    Amy is here visiting and mentioned that you guys were in Ecuador and had a blog of which she vaguely remembered the name. As you can see, we found it. So seeing as my chosen profession allows for ample vacation, we’re thinking of coming for a visit.


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