Bad at Secrets

I hate when anyone has a secret that they can’t/won’t tell me. And also I am bad at keeping non-important secrets. So, all of you who are good at secrets, I commend you. Also all of you who are good at waiting until your first trimester is over to tell people you are pregnant, I am proud of you too. But I am not good at that, so…

I’m pregnant. Whoopee! Due in October sometime according to silly online calculators.

My Mom screamed and said “I’ve been waiting for years for this” which is technically true because since I was 18 she has been asking for a grandbaby. And my Dad cried. I can post that, because he will never read this. Cried in his attorney’s office.

We are excited times infinity.

[Important P.S. After talking to my dad again later today, it turns out since he is in salt lake about to testify in a case against a former business partner who is on trial for tax sheltering, anyway, he was not in his attorney’s office, but with his attorneys walking into the federal prosecutor’s office, crying.]

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9 Responses to Bad at Secrets

  1. Jacki says:

    Aarelseyihah, for a boy or girl.

  2. Michelle says:

    yeah!!! can’t wait to see him/her. and to hear about all the yucky pregnancy stuff. i love hearing when people are sicker, get fatter, or are more miserable than i am pregnant (hard to beat!) and after the babies born it will be nice to know i have a friend (somewhere in the world) awake every 3-4 hourse just like me….sorry gotta go i hear a baby crying.

  3. shadylady says:

    Congrats!!! Congrats!!!! Congrats!!!!!

    Name the baby Cornisha if it is a girl, or Cornisho if it is a boy. I hope that doesn’t mean something disgusting in Spanish.

  4. Moss Family says:

    YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats! I am so excited for you!!!

  5. Amanda B. says:

    Wait, does that mean you two…oh, ewww, gross. Seriously? On behalf of my mom, you should stick the name “Jana” in there somewhere. Congratulations! Now, come home.

  6. Brittany says:

    yepee! that’s great news! are you going to teach it to have a spanish accent…since that is where it is “from”? that’d be awesome! congrats!

  7. Billie & Brian Taggart says:

    Hooray for babies! What if there is really 2 babies…or 3 or 4 or 6? You could have a whole family in one shot! Congrats guys love ya!!!

  8. Jenna says:

    I am very excited for you guys! And from what I last heard, since you got pregnant, that means you’ll be coming home!!! =) I am going out to WA sometime this summer so I hope you get back by then…then I can see you all pregnant and such.

    I say Alyiah for the girl, Tupac for the boy. =)

  9. Momeree says:

    Caelin says to name the baby Jacob, cuz that’s a cute name. Momeree says “good job Aaron”!!!

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