
The best part about telling people you are pregnant on April Fool’s Day is when a baby comes out of you in December. The second best part is that it means you will be pregnant on Halloween and will get to use all your great costume ideas.

To all those who didn’t believe/doubted/were confused yesterday… Thanks, you gave me everything I could have asked for in an April Fool’s Day. Plus I get another baby.

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12 Responses to Well…

  1. Casey says:

    I thought for sure it was an April fool’s joke. You totally fooled me… with the truth! Congrats guys!

  2. v a n e s s a says:

    Oh yeah! I was hoping one of the 6 friends who posted they were with child would not be April fooling me! Congratulations. You guys make cute babies that’s for sure.

  3. Leslie says:

    yay!! I’m so excited for you!!! 😀 How far apart will Harmon and the new baby be? I was thinkin every 24 months for my kids, but my little sister and brother are only 13 months apart, and they have a super close relationship too.

  4. Sarah says:

    Oh my gosh! It’s for real? Haha!!! Congratulations!!!! How far apart will they be?

  5. Christie says:

    Congrats!!! You are so funny I read your post yesterday and thought she’ll make the truth known today! How are you feeling?

  6. Tracy says:

    Congratulations! I sent Billie a text to see if it was an April Fools joke! That will make for a fun christmas time for you!

  7. Jenna says:

    Congrats!! Since it was you I thought you were joking. But I’m happy for your guys!

  8. Leslie says:

    ok, i figured it out. They will be 14 months apart. :) they’ll be best friends!

  9. Lois Draper says:

    Kelsey! I had a feeling when I talked to you the other day. I should have said something, but didn’t want to press you. So, if this is for real, congrats!!!!

  10. Brad and Charlsie says:

    Congrats, that is so exciting. You will have your hands full with two little ones but it will be fun.

  11. Heladitos says:

    I was hoping and thinking you would have another one soon! I thought it was joke, but also figured it would be your style to announce on April Fool’s Day if it were true! How fun to get to do that!!
    So do we have an official due date yet?
    Love you guys! Are you going to Lois’? We’ll meet you there if/when you do!

  12. Natalie says:

    Holy canoli that’s awesome! We’re also adding another one to our brood in October. Having babies is fun to do, fun to do, to do, to do!

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