The Pros and Cons of your ward (mistakenly) thinking you are inactive.

We are a family on the go. This means that in the summer when we moved into our ward we were gone a lot. And then I was hugely pregnant and had a baby. That means more absence from church. And when our kids are stick, we stay home instead of infecting others. The end result of this was the perception by many in our ward that we are “inactive” or perhaps only “less active”. Either way, it has come with some real pluses and minuses. Here are but a few.

Pro: Your ward will come carol at your house for Christmas and bring you lovely treats
Con: You will not be expecting this visit and will be inappropriately dressed when you answer the door

Pro: People will go out of their way to stop by and see how you are
Con: These visits will always take place while you are trying to get your kids to bed

Pro: Many people will be extra nice to you
Con: You will wonder which is genuine and which is because you are “inactive”

Pro: Your best friend’s mother-in-law is in the ward and will be genuinely nice to you
Con: You worry your best friend’s mother-in-law will concern your friend of tales of your perceived inactivity

Pro: Said MIL travels a lot and therefore does not concern herself with such things
Con: She doesn’t make best friend come to visit enough

Pro: The bishop will go out of his way to see how you are and how your calling is going
Con: The bishop will claim he did not know you were pregnant, along with the rest of the ward

Pro: Your ward will feel really good when they see you bless your baby at church, because they will think they have brought you into full fellowship again.
Con: Maybe there are some other people who are actually inactive who need the attention

Final result: Don’t let your ward think you are inactive, especially if you aren’t.

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5 Responses to The Pros and Cons of your ward (mistakenly) thinking you are inactive.

  1. Elizabeth says:

    This is absolutely hilarious. I've had problems with the same thing. In fact, I got the two best visiting teachers in the ward, I think because they thought I was inactive. They've moved on to other 'inactives'.:) I also don't bring sick kids to church, and I'm really introverted, so I try to avoid people if I can help it (doesnn't help). Most people didn't know I was pregnant until I had Dylan (um, seriously, they thought I gained 40 lbs in 6 months for fun?)

    For the record, I told Travis last week it's probably pretty annoying that they keep showing up at your house when you have a stressful baby and when you aren't actually inactive. I'm glad Aaron told them to go away. :)

  2. Billie and Brian Taggart says:

    No worries I haven't heard a thing! The MIL is probably "inactive" too with all the traveling she does. You should come visit ME!

  3. k.e.l.l.i.e. says:

    Oh Kelsey! Look at me, blog stalkin you now! This is so funny!!! I was reading this thinking,this is so funny and clever, oh wait, i know this girl! heehee…

  4. Natalie says:

    That is hysterical! You had me laughing out loud. So much so that it warranted spelling it out. LOL just wouldn't do it justice! I'm so glad you've become a "successful reactivation effort" in your ward! :)

  5. Penny says:

    Boy, been there done that. I am sick so much, and I'm sure people think I'm a total flake. I figure Heavenly Father knows my heart and that's all that matters. In the end, I bet people think less of why you are absent than you imagine.

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