Some stuff I made

This is some stuff I made for a baby shower on Saturday. Tote bag, plastic bib, onesie, baby legs, booties, and burp cloths rolled up.

Here is a better shot of the bag.

This is a hoodie towel for my sister-in-law’s new baby girl to send with that bunny pillow I made a while back. Aaron was concerned it was too large because it fit on his big head. But maybe he just wanted to keep it, since he seems to be enjoying it.

And some little coasters to protect our super fancy ikea coffee table (hah!)

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8 Responses to Some stuff I made

  1. Sarah says:

    You are so talented! I love seeing the stuff you make. 😀

  2. E says:

    YES. This post makes me happy to be your friend and be pregnant! :)

  3. Penelope says:

    Sweet!!! You are amazing girl. Aaron looks rather content. Perhaps you need to make him a towel too, otherwise he might get jealous. Trust me, when you get Harmon home and Aaron takes a back seat to him, you’ll need to try and give him special attention. How can he possibly compete? (oops — he’s reading this right?)

  4. Michelle says:

    we have some of those towels my mom made for the kids. they love them!!! they especially love running around the house with them on their head as you husband demonstrated. i love them because they are big and they’re real towels not those cheap thin ones that people sell as baby towels. real towels work so much better!!! is that a chair in your house you used as a background?? i want it!!! i love it!!! it’d be so totally awesome for some fun pictures!

  5. Kelsey says:

    This is a chair, however it is only covered in some vinyl I picked up to make some bibs and/or waterproof bags for diapers. Too bad, because it would be a sweet chair.

  6. Brittany says:

    gosh. if only i could be a fraction as talented as you… you do such an amazing job. i especially LOVE the coasters. very cute! do you come up with these yourself? of do you follow patterns?

  7. AMB says:

    Wow! I’m impressed! I just got a sewing machine, but I don’t know how to make anything! By the way, I just tagged you on my blog…

  8. sherryandbryon says:

    I love your stuff! You should open a little shop or something. You’re WAY talented.

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