Sammy’s pulling herself up

I just wanted to get the jump on Kelsey on this announcement. Trouble’s abrewin’, because Sammy can now pull herself up to standing.

She’d just done it when I walked in the door this afternoon, and right after Kelsey left and Harmon was crying hysterically, so I made him some more chocolate milk, Sammy pulled herself up on a box, waved with one hand and came crashing down. I put Harmon down and picked a crying Sammy up; he started up again, hyperventalating from too much crying, and blood started dripping from her lip.

I texted Kelsey that everything was alright, gave Harmon his chocolate milk, and cleaned up Sammy’s bloody lip.

Having kids is fun. She’s just pulled herself up my pant leg and he wants food.

When is Kelsey coming back?

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The Last 8+ Weeks

Here is a summary for those who are deeply curious as to our doings:

-we had 3 sets of house guests. fun and exhausting.
-we drove to Montana for a visit. it is a long drive, but worth it.
-we played outside lots.

-we had house guests again.
-we flew to San Francisco to visit friends as a surprise for my birthday. I hate flying almost as much as driving it turns out.
-Aaron began working 70 hours weeks at two jobs. blessing and a curse.

we had a lot of fun. here are a few pictures. click the links to see one hundred thousand more.

More July Photos


More August Photos

Hope everyone’s summer was lovely.

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The Toddler Bed From You Know Where


Here is an article I would have liked to read before purchasing my child a toddler bed.

How to know if you are ready to put your child in a toddler bed:

-You hate sleeping
-Your child hates being near you in the night time
-Snuggling in your bed is your child’s worst nightmare
-You have infinity patience
-Your child plays peacefully in their room
-Your child loves sleeping
-You don’t mind waking up every hour
-You don’t have another child who is teething
-Your child is mild mannered and always listens to you
-You hate sleeping

My suggestion is that if you don’t meet all of these criteria that you just don’t ever free your child from their crib, and if they outgrow it you build a really big crib. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

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My 2-year-old self payback

Although I think it’s totally fair that your kids behave in exactly the same way you did as a teenager for payback on how you treated your parents, it’s totally not fair that they act the same way that you did when you were two. Especially if they are only almost 21 months.

When I was 2 (or 3, not like I remember) my parents would put me in my crib to go to sleep and I would stretch out my arms and cry in a pitiful voice “I want youuuuuuuu, I want youuuuuu!” Reportedly very heartbreaking.

The last two months Harmon has had issues going to bed, and we have tried a variety of methods. Last night after 45 minutes of in and out of his room, sitting in his doorway, letting him holler, etc we were in the front room listening to his pleas for freedom from his crib. He was mostly hollering “up up up!” and “mama! daddy!” After he realized this method was not bringing about the desired results he shouts: “I LOVE!!!” I will let you guess whether or not this method worked.

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Muffin Top Chop

Kelsey: I think I lost a pound.
Aaron: I was going to tell you earlier, I noticed you have a muffin top.
Kelsey: ?
Aaron: You know, because you are getting skinnier, now it’s turned into a muffin top.
Kelsey: Oh.

Pretty much that is the only answer that saved him from a direct chop to the face.

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Maybe I’ll Just Shave My Head.

A few weeks ago I was visiting my good friend Esther. It was earlyish in the morning and I apologized for having such awful hair because I hadn’t done it at all that morning. She assured me it “looked totally normal” which really meant that all my other attempts to control my hair are totally futile.

I would like to pretend that the hair I leave the house with is the hair that I put no effort into, the hair that I wake up with, the hair that dries like that after I shower, because really then I would have a good reason for it. But the truth of the matter is that although the hair I often leave the house with hair that looks like I just rolled out of bed, chances are pretty high that I have spent a considerable amount of time trying to make it behave, usually involving a burning myself with an ultra hot flat iron.

You don’t believe me? This is what I have to work with.

I think it’s fair to say that if you see me and my hair looks pretty awful but at least doesn’t look like this, you’re welcome.

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Sorry, dudes

Today in downtown Seattle within 5 minutes these three events took place:

1. “Oooh, I really like her jeans. Poor girl is blessed with some seriously broad shoulders though… oh…”

2. “That crazy lady has got the brightest rainbow jacket I have ever seen, which really compliments her gray tights and gray wool skirt. It’s a little warm for a wool skirt though. [She turns…] Oh!”

3. “That lady has the coolest yoga mat I’ve ever seen. Too bad I don’t use the one I have so I can’t ask her where… oh…”

Sorry, dudes.

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Prepare to look at my kid’s adorable faces

Because it’s my blog, and I can. (And it’s been forever.) You can look away if you like, you’ve been warned.

(face rash in upper right corner courtesy of hot tamales. nice.)

(p.s. do you like her striped furry onesie? that’s what happens when your grandma saves your mom’s hilarious 80’s onesie and your mom makes you wear it. awesome.)

Fun times together

P.S. If you are someone who likes to look at all the photos I uploaded:
May 2010
June 2010 (so far)

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Fire Hazard

Note to self: when you unload your father’s day gifts from costco, remember to not leave them near where your babies may take advantage of your carelessness.

P.S. Also remember to clean your house before taking photos for the internet.

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World’s Best Husband/Daddy

So, it was just Aaron’s birthday/our anniversary/Father’s day, and I will now take the brief minute to brag and tell you all that I have the most wonderful husband in the world. Proof: for our anniversary he brought me two bouquets of flowers.

The first totally awesome flowers from Pike’s Place Market that were quite similar to my wedding flowers (from Pike’s Place).

The second although smaller in quantity was greater in quality because A. they are my favorite and B. Aaron got them on the side of the freeway (risking his life for flowers!) in the same spot he got the ones for my hair on our wedding day. Awww, sentimental huh?

Also my children are blessed with the most awesome daddy ever. To celebrate we ate lots of BBQed things, including dessert.

Happy Birthday/Juneteenth Anniversary/Father’s Day Aaron, we love and adore you!!!

(look how old we are after THREE years!)

(I tried to take a picture to make a happy anniversary card from our kids. Not successful.)

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