It’s a man

A giant even. He’s too big to be called a boy. 10 pounds, 12 ounces, 23 inches long. Large everything: eyes, nose, moumth, ears (expected), head (38cm circumference), body(38 1/2 com circ.), arms. legs, feet & hands. You will not believe the size of his paws. Even for an almost 11 pound baby they look out of place. No “look at the little fingers” comments for this guy. And he has broad shoulders and big muscles. His thighs are huge, ask Kelsey how hard he can kick. He has long muscular arms as well. He’s not really fat at all, just huge.

Harmon was born at 7:44am this morning, Friday October 24th, 2008 (also my sister Lois and uncle Dave’s birthday.) It was a long difficult labor, and I can’t believe Kelsey did it. I barely survived and all I did was watch and pray. We’ll get the details out later, and Kelsey will post pictures. The new mom is recuperating, so we apologize for lack of contact for the first day or two.

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12 Responses to It’s a man

  1. Jacki says:

    Ten pounds worth of congratulations. Wow.

  2. Momeree says:

    Harmon is big and beautiful, and I must say his parents handled this situation in an awesome way. I am amazed. Kelsey had incredible strength to endure all that she did, and Aaron was an amazing support to her. Caelin had 2 comments. “Aaron is a sure a good husband to Kelsey” and “This baby is more fun than a toy”. And I say, this new family ROCKS!!! Now, I can’t wait to get some sleep…Love, Mom

  3. lauren marjory says:

    congrats to the newest evans parents!

  4. amy says:

    billions of congratulations! can’t wait to meet him, even if i will need a crane to pick him up! best recovery wishes for one and all and i can;t wait for the details!

  5. sherryandbryon says:


  6. Penelope says:

    Unbelievable! You like to do things up big, don’t you? Harmon is short of two feet. Did he walk out of the womb?

    I’m so happy for you all.

    Love ya!

  7. Sarah says:

    Woo hoo!!! Good job and congratulations!

    I thought I was going to be the one having the giant baby. I can’t wait to see a picture!

  8. Casey says:

    Oh my goodness Kelsey!!! You are amazing!!!

  9. Jenna says:

    Way to go Kelsey! I am glad Harmon is finally here. Post pictures soon of the little guy!

  10. merebuff says:

    Fabulous news!! Congratulations! Can’t wait to read more posts about adjusting to parenthood.

  11. Moss Family says:

    YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!

  12. Michelle says:

    Good heavens, woman, you are a superhero. Congratulations!

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