Happy Baby

Today at my midwife appointment she listened to my little fetus’s heartbeat and declared that it sounded good and was “a happy baby”. I’m not really sure that heartbeat and happiness are directly correlated, but I was glad she thought so. I also think most of you think I’m having my baby at home, as I am using a midwife, but I should point out that I’m not, I’m having it at a birthing center (near the hospital so everyone can calm down a little). My belly is starting to stick out a bit more every day, I will try to remember to take a picture of it later tonight. Also my jeans are about done with, especially when they come right out of the wash.

Aaron and I went through Canada back into Washington to a place called Point Roberts (in case you want to see why on earth we did that, mapquest Seattle to Point Roberts and you will laugh at how they drew the border, and how we had to go through double customs) to look at a sailboat we are considering purchasing. I liked it a lot but Aaron mostly saw projects he would have to do on it. But I almost always like the first one of anything I find (cars, shoes, etc), not wait to see 3 or 33 more, so it was no shocker. We will be looking at some more this weekend. That was a really round about way of saying we are trying to seriously buy a sailbot. A big one. So you can go sailing with us. If you meet us in Fiji that is.

Turns out Aaron is a ninja at work, because you were probably anxiously waiting to know. He seems to enjoy his job so far, even if they like meetings (or at least have them) a bit too much. He is getting acquainted with the ways of ninja life, including learning their card games at lunch and learning all about the famous Kamal burger, which is apparently so famously named after a co-worker. He also has become quite skilled at taking the bus with his handy new bus pass, which is good since his truck is quite ill. Does anyone want to buy a truck by the way?

Lastly returning to my happy baby, we will hopefully be finding out if Aaron is right about it being a boy 5 weeks from today. I practically had to beg them to do it “that early”, it was rough. I thought 20 weeks was standard??? I almost had to tell her I would go to the ultrasound clinic and do it sooner if they wouldn’t, but I didn’t have to get that tough. Billie suggested I go to the mall, like they have in Utah, but sadly they only have ultrasound clinics here, no mall walk-ins. Also, have any of you ever gotten the 4D videos of your baby? I think I am kind of creeped out by them. Thoughts?

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6 Responses to Happy Baby

  1. vantastic says:

    my heart beats and I am happy, so it must be true. Your baby is soooooooo happy! loves!!!

  2. shadylady says:

    Ohhhhhh!!!!! I kind of miss those days of long past….. nothing quite like the excitement of new life forming……


    I am TOTALLY serious! So cool.

  3. Penny says:

    Perhaps Aunt Teresa should stuff a Cabbage Patch doll that vibrates intermittently down her pants.

    Happy Baby is such good news. Seeing as it is inside you, how could it be anything else???

  4. Sarah says:

    I’m so happy for you! 😀

  5. Brower Family says:

    I am so excited for you and for the fact that you have a happy baby! Having a baby is the greatest thing in the world…wait…you are probably going natural aren’t you!!??? So, maybe the “having” isn’t going to be so fun, but the afterward will definately be worth it!! I am not that tough!
    And, the whole 4D thing creeps me out too. I think it makes the baby look scary. I didn’t and don’t want to be worried that that is what my baby really looks like!! I enjoy the unknown in that area!
    I hope you are doing well!

    -One of your MANY old Cuenca friends,

  6. Ashley says:

    Only in Utah would they have ultrasound kiosks.

    I’m totally freaked out by the 4D ultrasounds too. Mostly because I fear I might think he’s ugly.

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