Birthing a Giant

(We’re pretty much obsessed)

It really makes you exhausted, that’s for sure. I thought it was probably about time for me to blog, but then I sat down and forgot what I wanted to say. I guess first I should proclaim how wonderful everyone is, most especially Aaron. He is the ultimate champion, he stayed really calm and soothing throughout many many hours of labor and I could not done it without him. Upon coming home he has taken great care of us, making me food and bringing me water, cleaning up everything, helping me to rouse a sleepy sleepy baby, and perhaps the most amazing of all, he has changed all the diapers but one. He is the best! And everyone else is wonderful too. My mom has taken good care of us, as has Jama, and lots of support, food, and well-wishes from everyone else is so very appreciated. So thanks everyone!

What is there to say? I really really really like my giant baby. Of course I really really really love him too, but that’s pretty much expected right? He is the sleepiest of all babies, which made it virtually impossible to feed him at first. But he now is waking up a bit more on his own, and letting me wake him up to eat when he has been asleep for 100 hours. Things seem to be falling into place nicely, and if my body would heal as fast as I wanted, I would be even happier. But, birthing a giant is hard work, so I guess my body deserves just a little more rest. So… we are all doing well. Thanks for all your thoughts and comments and love, we are so happy with our guy that it makes us happy to share him with you.

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7 Responses to Birthing a Giant

  1. Sarah says:

    I’m dying to know if Harmon was born bigger than Carmen is right now. Then I can look at her and think, “Oh my gosh, what if she were born this big!” Tomorrow is her 2 month check-up, so we’ll know how big she has gotten since her 2 week check.

  2. Jacki says:

    Yay for open eyes!

  3. Crystal says:

    Wow, he is beautiful!!! I love it and am so happy for you guys. Kelsey, you are amazing to make it through labor and deliver such a healthy BIG boy. Take the time to heal, you DO deserve it. We want to come meet him when you start feeling up to visitors. Harmon is a lucky boy!!

  4. Billie and Brian Taggart says:

    I think I love him too! Is it Thanksgiving yet?!

  5. c says:

    he is the cutest baby!

  6. hollyhs says:

    he’s soooo cute! congrats again!!!

  7. shadylady says:

    I SO want to see the newest additions to the clan, Harmon and Carmen…… I am really looking forward to that…. now if I can get over my vehicular challenges, among other things… Congrats! He looks amazing for a newborn!

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