9 months seems kind of like a special time because it marks the amount of time Harmon spent in my belly, and now how much time he has been out. This month he has continued eating everything in sight, saying a fair amount of (sort of) words, started crawling, and gone swimming a lot. This month he got himself weighed and measured: Height: 29.9″ (92nd percentile) Weight: 19 lbs 9 oz (33rd percentile) Head: 48.3cm (98th percentile) So, he is a tall SMCB (skinny mini cracker butt, don’t ask) with a giant head brain. Here are the requisite photos and some videos to enjoy should you so desire. More here.
Say Mama! Ok, or up.
We bribe our child with a pen to encourage army crawling.
These are darling pictures of Harmon. I love watching him drag across the floor toward the pen. My fav — pic of him doing pushups.
What a handsome little man. Oh babies…
He is beautiful!! I can't believe he is 9 months already! Keep those adorable pictures coming!